Version History (since 2.0)

- Version 3.0
- Recompiled using SAS/C 6.51.
- Added 68040 version.
- Now correctly handles AGA palettes.
- Installer now included. (Thanks to Perry Horner).
- Fixed a problem with the EGS pointer (Thanks to Darren Eveland).
- Version 2.5
- Major Enhancements
- Added EGS support to TSMorph and TSMorph-render.
- Added INTEGER parameter to TSMorph-render. This should make
the program run faster, but the output will not be as good. The Icon supplied for the non FPU version
has INTEGER=YES set by default, the default preview script
also sets this.
- Added MODEs 4 to 31. This changes the Settings menu.
- Added Triangulate menu item to convert point links to triangles. Points
can now be linked to up to 16 other points.
- Added a short tutorial - See Tutorial/Tutorial.readme.
- Added documentation in plain text format - See TSMorph.doc. (Thanks to Perry Horner).
- Added documentation in .html format - Mosaic is required to view this.
- Minor Enhancments
- Edited the graphics in this guide. It will only look correct under the
OS3.0+ version of AmigaGuide.library.
- When trying to close the Public Screen TSMorph will
display an error if any other windows are open.
- Horizontal and Vertical gadgets are
now correct on 2 colour screens.
- Added REQTOOLS parameter to TSMorph and TSMorph-render.
- TSMorph-render now uses nofrag.library for memory allocation if available.
- Added new prescript example script to render all frames.
- Added new Hints & Tips section.
- Sped up the remapping of normal ILBM images.
- Install script now determines 68020/881 correctly itself.
- Added some new ARexx scripts to generate animations.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a very silly bug with the DEPTH parameter. It was always read as
at least 20. This should speed up rendering.
- TSMorph-prefs and TSMorph set ANTIALIAS and HELP correctly
when Reset to Defaults.
- Some fixes to the default PREVIEW script. (Thanks to Stefan Haubenthal).
- TSMorph-prefs now correctly sets the Render mode.
- Output images should not have garbage on the right hand side.
- Lots of minor code and docs changes.
- Version 2.4
- Fixed bug where if 1st image for a Morph was loaded to convert the
first frame then the second image was never loaded.
- Version 2.3
- Enhancements
- Bug Fixes
- Sensible message is displayed if opal.library is not present and an
input image does not exist in TSMorph-render.
- TSMorph-render no longer attempts to load unnecessary images and point
files for the first and last frames.
- PREVIEW can now be longer than the default value without
causing public screen name problems.
- TSMorph-prefs no longer resets preferences to defaults
if Open... is cancelled.
- Zoom? menu item now works on the Info window.
- No longer opens project SETTINGS= settings file twice.
- Title of file requester to Open Project is now Load Project not Load File.
- Major source code clean up.
- Source code is now available. Distribution is under GNU General Public Licence.
See distribution.
- Version 2.2
- Major Enhancements
- Added Anti-Alias capability to TSMorph-render.
- Added ability to TSMorph and TSMorph-render to load a large variety of
image formats (JPEG, ILBM (including 24 bit, EHB, HAM6, HAM8 and DCTV with dctv.library), TARGA, GIF
- Added a lot more save formats (grey 16, grey 256, HAM 6, HAM 8 and DCTV3 and DCTV4
[with dctv.library]).
- Added continuous help option, and Help Text gadget to TSMorph.
- Added the Preview option to preview render an image. See
Preview..., Preview... and PREVIEW.
- Added the ability to open custom screens.
- Can now save the first and last images - see Prescript.
- Added preferences editor TSMorph-prefs.
- Minor Enhancements
- Loading Image requester is displayed. See OPENMODE.
- 24 File 1 and 24 File 2 gadgets can now be left blank
to use the File One and File Two names.
- MakeInfo 1.55 used. This doc now has more formatting.
- Progress requester now shows a list view of messages.
- Bug Fixes
- Image remapping should be more correct.
- Edit/Mode sub-menu has a capital E.
- Should no longer leave the Screen with the incorrect palette when TSMorph is quit.
- Fixed a nasty memory corruption bug with DX and DY.
- Control Window gadgets now look more correct on screens with more than 4 colours.
- Fixed a bug where parameters were automatically reset when opening a project.
- Open Points... no longer resets Morph parameters.
- Load Settings... now works.
- DEPTH parameter can now be greater than the number of points without
memory corruption.
- TSMorph window is correctly disabled when saving after Unsaved Project
requester is displayed.
- Uses less memory for Zoom raster.
- TSMorph opens amigaguide window on screen specified by PUBSCREEN.
- String requesters will now accept empty strings.
- Version 2.0a
- Minor update to the File Format description. (Includes
Anim Morphs and Warps).
- ENV/TSMorph/def_points now has Stack set to 8192. (Prevents crashes when
using opal.library).
- Render Public Screen menu item is disabled if
reqtools.library is not available. (Previously crashed if selected).
- Only relevant OPENMODE is ALWAYS if opal.library is not
available (Thanks to spark@cix).
- Screen is automatically brought to the front when the first window opens.